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Mosquito Problems? 4 Ways To Keep Mosquitos Out Of Your Yard

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Take Back Your Yard From Mosquito Intruders

Your yard is your sanctuary. It’s the place where you can relax after a hard day’s work and enjoy quality time with your family and friends. Here are some quick remedies to most mosquito problems:

Plants That Repel Mosquitos Store-Bought Mosquito Repellents
• Lavender
• Scented Geraniums
• Catnip
• Marigolds
• Lemon Balm
• Mint
• Citronella Candles
• Essential Oils (Peppermint, Eucalyptus)
• Insect Repellent Sprays With DEET Or Picaridin
• Mosquito Repellent Bracelets

That is until mosquitos make themselves at home in your yard. You may notice one or two at first as they buzz past your ear or leave their trademark bite on the arm of your loved one.

But if left unchecked, mosquitos will turn your outdoor oasis into a no-go zone as they prevent you and your family from enjoying those beautiful spring and summer nights you have been looking forward to all winter long.

Not only are they annoying, but mosquitos carry a host of dangerous diseases, such as the ZIKA virus, West Nile virus, Dengue fever, and chikungunya. This means mosquito control is significant for the safety of your home.

Take a look at some easy strategies for keeping mosquitoes away from your lawn.

1. Remove Standing Water

Mosquitoes are attracted to standing water like magnets to a refrigerator. It’s common to see several adult mosquitoes swarming above still bodies of water, like lakes, ponds, or water collected in an empty flower pot.

Standing water provides a safe breeding ground for mosquitoes. It is also home to mosquito larvae once the eggs hatch.

If you have any stagnant or standing water around your lawn or in your garden, you need to remove it, especially near the areas you often spend time in your yard.

Look for standing water in these places and dump it out right away:

  • Birdbaths
  • Gutters
  • Plant Pot Saucers
  • Loose Covers, Like On A Boat, RV, Or Grill
  • Poorly Draining Soil
  • Low Spots
  • Yard Toys And Playgrounds

Once you identify areas of your yard that collect standing water, monitor them frequently, especially after a storm, and remove any new stagnant water you find.

2. Mow Grass and Trim Shrubs

Mosquitos love to relax in your tall grasses and shrubs. This landscaping provides them with a hiding place from predators and shade from the hot sun.

Your lawn should be mowed regularly and be no more than 5 inches in height. This will prevent mosquitoes from choosing your lawn as a hiding place. Trim your shrubs often to prevent overgrowth, which will invite mosquitos and other pests to seek sanctuary on your property.

When mulching, choose cedar mulch for your flower beds and landscaping areas closest to your home and outdoor living space. Cedar not only repels pesky mosquitoes but also deters termites, moths, cockroaches, and certain types of ants from hanging around your yard.

3. Place Mosquito Magnets and Zappers

If you want to get tough on mosquitos, electric zappers and magnet mosquito traps will attract them and kill them on contact.

Zappers use electricity to eliminate mosquitoes, while magnets attract mosquitoes using carbon dioxide and trap them until they perish. These items can be placed near areas where mosquitoes frequent the most and close to where you spend time outdoors.

The downside of bug zappers and magnets is that they kill any insect or creature that flies inside. So if you’d rather not kill butterflies, honey bees, dragonflies, or small critters, this solution is not right for you.

4. Use Mosquito Repellents

Once you have taken steps to remove everything mosquitoes love about your yard, consider utilizing tried and true mosquito repellents to further stop them from making themselves at home on your property.

Consider planting natural mosquito deterrent plants around your outdoor living space. These plants cause mosquitoes to turn and run the other way, but they are pleasant smelling to humans, which is a bonus.

Homeowners can also utilize store-bought mosquito repellent products to prevent mosquito bites.

Store-bought repellents that contain DEET stop mosquitoes from smell you, and therefore cannot bite. With no food source insight, they will move on to the next yard.

While the Environmental Protection Agency states that DEET is safe to use, it cannot be used on young children, which means it isn’t ideal for families.

Picaridin is as effective as DEET but odorless, colorless, and non-greasy. It also does not dissolve plastics. However, because it is so new, the EPA does not know the long-term health effects of this mosquito repellent.

Bonus Tip: Don’t DIY Mosquito Control!

It may be tempting to take matters into your own hands and spray insecticides all over your yard. These products are dangerous and could cause many problems if not used correctly. Here is why you should leave insecticides to the professionals:

  • Many Are Non-Specific: Pesticides will kill good insects, such as honey bees, dragonflies, and butterflies, as well.
  • Create Run-Off: These chemicals will leach into water systems, causing harm to marine life and water supplies.
  • Can Be Hazardous To Pets: Cats and dogs like to chew on grass and could ingest insecticides, causing pain and expensive vet visits.
  • Trickey Timing: Insecticides need to be placed in the right places at the right time.
  • You Need Proper Protection: Homeowners run the risk of respiratory issues or allergic reactions if they do not properly protect.

LawnWorx Offers Professional Mosquito Control For Your Lawn

While it is impossible to banish the entire mosquito population from your property completely, LawnWorx knows how to keep mosquitoes under control.

Our mosquito control services are second to none. We know how to prevent mosquitoes from infesting your yard and treat areas, like ponds and heavy brush, with a larvicide to prevent eggs from hatching and filling your yard with mosquitoes.

You need a professional pest control company to help to keep those bloodsuckers at bay. Trust the licensed experts at LawnWorx to use their expertise to keep your lawn and yard mosquito-free. We have been providing pest control services to the Central Florida area since 1985.

Central Florida Mosquito Control FAQs

Does mosquito control need to be reapplied after it rains?
No, after 30-45 minutes of drying time, professional mosquito control will endure any weather.
How often should mosquito control be applied?
Mosquito control should be applied monthly to prevent gaps in protection.
How long does it take mosquito control to work?
You’ll see dramatic results after 24 hours, although you may see a mosquito or two in between initial treatments.