5 Ways To Prepare Your Florida Lawn For A Hot Summer

If You’re Not Preparing Your Lawn For Summer, You’re Doing it Wrong!
The summer months in Florida can be a challenge for lawns, and you need to conduct proper lawn care to ensure the health of your lawn throughout the year.
The summer heat and humidity can cause your lawn to dry out, die, and become unsightly. That’s why it’s essential to take steps now before summer arrives so that you’re prepared when summer does come around.
Let’s take a look at the top 5 ways you can prepare your lawn for the hot Florida summer months today!
Give Your Lawn The Attention It Needs
Lawn looking a little down? Our local lawn care experts can help you reclaim the lawn you love. Call our team today at 407-854-8580!
1. Remove Thatch From Your Lawn
Thatch is a layer of dead grass clippings and roots that accumulate over time. After mowing, many homeowners keep the cut grass clippings on their lawn to return nutrients into the turfgrass. While this is a good idea in most cases, this layer of grass can prevent water from reaching the roots of your grass and deprive living grass of the nutrients it needs.
To prepare your lawn for the hot Florida summer, remove thatch from this spring.
There are several methods; manual removal is preferable over chemical treatments because a person can do it properly and discard all material to ensure your lawn gets the water and nutrients it needs to thrive throughout the summer months.
2. Clean Up Your Lawn Area
Your lawn is your pride and joy, and it is a central gathering area for your family throughout the year. As you host BBQs and enjoy the outdoors with your family, you might notice trash and other debris piling up around your lawn.
One of the best summer lawn care tips that you can do is to prepare your lawn by clearing up the leaves and garbage from your lawn. Not only is a cluttered lawn an eyesore, but garbage and other material around your lawn can be the source of many pest control problems.
It would be best to clean your lawn area throughout the year, but the best times to do this chore are during springtime to prepare for summer and then again in late summer to prepare for winter.
If you want to avoid bringing debris back into your garden next year, use leaf blowers or rakes instead of using brooms because they don’t disturb the soil as much.
3. Prevent Heavy Foot Traffic On Your Lawn
Heavy foot traffic can cause severe problems with your lawn. It will make the soil compact, preventing water from reaching your grassroots and making it difficult for them to grow correctly during the summer months.
To avoid this problem before summer starts, you should start by not walking on your lawn more than necessary – or at all until the grass is treated correctly for the new year.
If you need to walk through certain parts of the yard every day during the summer months, you might consider building walkways between heavily-trafficked areas. These areas are locations like gazebos or gardens where many people walk and gather with family and friends.
Our Lawn Experts Are Here To Help
Keep your lawn looking its best throughout the year. Call our team today at 407-854-8580!
4. Fertilize Your Lawn
Fertilizing your lawn is an essential first step to summer preparation. When you fertilize, the turf will be provided with a healthier environment in which it can grow and develop and produce better-looking grass that holds up better against summer heat.
When choosing a fertilizer for summertime, make sure to use one of these three types: slow-release, granular or liquid feedings.
These are more suitable for summer because they don’t contain weed-killing chemicals like pre-emergent and post-emergent do – which would prevent any new weeds from growing during summer months before having time to establish themselves on your property.
It can be tricky to pick the right fertilizer for your lawn, so you should always trust the insight of a professional lawn care technician.
5. Water Your Lawn Daily
One of the most crucial summer preparation tasks you can do for your lawn is water it every day.
It’s best if you have a sprinkler system in place so that watering will be done evenly and quickly, but even if you don’t, there are some simple things you can do to make sure your lawn stays hydrated.
- Irrigate during morning hours when temperatures aren’t too high
- Use drip irrigation systems or hose attachments with timers – these options give the water time to seep into the ground before evaporating as sweat on summer days.
- Soak large areas at one time rather than smaller sections because more surface area gets wetted down this way (this also saves money!).
When you water your lawn, make sure that it’s not more than a quarter-inch of water at one time. More than this will cause too much moisture in the ground and lead to summertime problems like fungus growth or stagnant puddles.
Prepare Your Lawn For Summer Today!
Now that you know what to do, it’s time for action. Before summer hits your lawn hard with heat and humidity, try these five steps now so that when the hot weather does come around, you’re ready!
Our Orlando Office
285 E Oak Ridge Rd.
Orlando, FL 32809
Hours: M-F 8A – 5P
Phone: (407) 854-8580